Adding Yarn Fringe to Your Crochet Project
Need a bit of flair to spice up a crochet project? Add some fringe!! Fringe is a quick and easy way to add texture to your crochet items. It looks fancy, but really isn’t that hard. You can add fringe in the same color as the work you’ve crocheted or in a different color/texture. Some of those fluffy and fuzzy yarns come in handy for fringe fun!
Many of my rainbow patterns include fringe as an option in the design. The rainbows are cute without fringe, but even more fun with! The first pattern I added fringe to was the Rainbow Dreams Wall Hanger – a pattern near and dear to my heart as it was created after our first miscarriage. In this design, I used a textured yarn that looked and felt different from the yarn used to crochet the wall hanger.
The Dreamer Pillow (re-releasing soon) is another design that can have fringe added to the base of the rainbow for added color and texture. In this sample, strands of bulky weight yarn in colors matching each strand of the rainbow were added to the pillow.
And lastly, the Tiny Dreamer Purse is a final example of a design with fringe to spruce up the look. This design also uses colors that match those used in each round of the rainbow on the purse. However, this sample uses thinner worsted weight yarn rather than the bulky yarn used in the Dreamer Pillow.
The options are pretty endless when it comes to how you want to add your fringe! So, let’s move on to how it is done. Just want a quick glimpse at how to add fringe? Save this reel for a brief overview.
Steps for Adding Fringe:
First things first, choose your colors! Depending on your project, you’ll need to cut 8-10 inch color strands and place them in groups of 2-4 strands. The length and number of strands you group together will vary based on your project, type of fringe yarn and personal preference. The more strands you group together, the thicker and fuller your fringe will be. You can trim the length to your preference after adding the strands.
Separate your fringe into their groups and grab a hook. You’ll insert the hook through a stitch on the work you’ve created to start the fringe. If you’re working on a rainbow, insert through a stitch at the base of the rainbow. Grab your group of strands and fold them in half. Use the hook to latch onto the mid-point of the strands and pull them through the stitch.
Once you’ve successfully pulled the strands through the stitch, use your hook or fingers to reach through the loop and grab the ends of the strands. Pull those through the loop and tighten. You’ve got your first fringe down!
Repeat these steps across the length of your rainbow or whatever it is you are working on. Trim the ends to desired length and enjoy! If you need to straighten the fringe, try using a steamer. Stay tuned for the release of my Dreamer Blanket pattern where you can practice your new found fringe adding skills!